Cancellation/Rescheduling fee is to be paid by the party requesting a continuance or cancellation unless otherwise agreed upon.
Notice of Cancellation/Rescheduling must be submitted to our office in writing.
Each panelist is an independent contractor who sets his or her own hourly/daily rates. Hourly/daily fees are equally apportioned among parties, unless expressly agreed upon otherwise. Fees are the joint and several obligation of all counsel until received in full.
The hourly fee for the estimated and reserved hearing time, the administrative fee, and the refundable retainer (for services including, but not limited to, review of submitted materials, pre-hearing conferences, research, analysis, conclusions, preparation of reports) must each be fully paid in advance, prior to the hearing.
Case management fees apply in cases whose length is three or more days, regardless of whether or not any live hearings take place.